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Baha'i Temple Terraces Win Award

One World Architecture (OWA) is excited to announce that we are winners in the 2013 Faith & Form International Awards Program. Our submission for the restoration of the Baha’i House of Worship Gardens and Terraces received a Merit Award in the category of Sacred Landscape. The Faith & Form Awards is conducted by the Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture (IFRAA), a knowledge community of the American Institute of Architects, and Faith & Form Magazine. The awards honor the best in religious architecture, arts, and sacred spaces.

Congratulations to our winning team members, including project manager Scott Conrad, landscape architect Carol Yetken, concrete expert Keith Niles, OWA principal Ken Parel-Sewell, and the many consultants and contractors who worked tirelessly on the project.

Our winning entry will be published in the Winter 2013 Awards Issue of Faith and Form Magazine, and will be displayed at the 2014 National Convention of the American Institute of Architects in Chicago.

To learn more about the Baha’i House of Worship Gardens and Terraces, click here.

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